If your account balance in Cheqbook is different from your balance at the bank, the issue is likely caused by the "Estimated Opening Balance" transaction the system creates for you when you add an account. It is calculated by subtracting the total amount of your transactions from the balance amount we got from the bank.
The "Estimated Opening Balance" will be, by default, the first transaction in each of your accounts and is categorized to blue. You can edit the amount of this transaction to be more accurate or delete it all together. If you add historical data downloaded from your bank prior to this opening balance, you will want to delete this transaction and make a new one at the beginning of your historical data.
Please add a link to "how to create an opening balance" as your last says to make a new one, but I can not find out how to make a new entry for an opening balance in either a linked or unlinked account.
You can create an opening balance by making a manual journal entry the day prior to your first transaction using the steps below.
An example opening balance would have the following info
Date: Day before your earliest transacation for that account
Payee: Estimated Opening Balance
Account: Opening Equity Balances - Unreconciled
Amount: The closing balance on that day. This balance can be found in your bank statment.
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