1099 upgrades
Hey ben,
sorry, no the $600 threshold is just for items in box 7 ... other thresholds are for other types of payments and boxes on the 1099.
on pg 17 of the attached instructions for 1099 it has a nice summary- you had to know the IRS never makes anything simple or easy, right!but more importantly, there is still another issue with the 1099s- ONE payee may go to TWO boxes (for example if you paid them rent and contract labor).
AND sometimes you pay someone REIMBURSEMENTS and those do NOT go on the 1099s at all. for example, you pay a girl to help in the office as contract labor and then you reimburse her for office max receipts as well, and they are BOTH on ONE check. so, the TOTAL paid to her will not all go to box 7. Quickbooks maps ACCOUNTS to box numbers, not VENDORS to box numbers. perhaps you could program cheqbook to do that?
sorry to be such a pain in the ....

Jennifer,Regarding the $600 threshhold, is this true for only nonemployee compensation or all 1099 fields?
According to what I am reading online, employers are not required to file if the amount is under $600, but they can if they want. Any amount is taxable.http://www.irs.gov/uac/Reporting-Miscellaneous-Income

Thanks for using Cheqbook.
I've changed the 1099s to not generate for amounts less than $600.00. Please view the FAQ below and let me know if it works for you.
hey ben
only payments totally more than $600 are supposed to be issued on a 1099.
right now you have all of them showing up.... no threshold. and it makes the count, and summary total on the 1096 wrong as well.... any way to fix that?
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