Green Circle with Check-Mark - These transactions represent items that have been manually changed.
Green Open Circle - These transactions represent items which have not cleared the bank yet.
Blue Circle with Check-Mark - These transactions represent items which have been changed as a result of a previous change. Example: You have 3 purchases from Home Depot which the bank description looks like "thehomedepot xxxx1234." If you change the Payee name to "The Home Depot," all transactions with the same original bank description will also change, and therefore get the blue check-mark.
Yellow Circle with Check-Mark - These transactions represent items from the bank auto-flow which have not been changed. These items do not necessarily need to be changed or reclassified. Reviewing these items for accuracy of category is recommended.
Red Circle with Exclamation Point - These transactions represent items from the bank auto-flow which Cheqbook was unable to categorize. This account should be reviewed to redirect transactions to their rightful categories.
By clicking on these tick-marks at the top of the screen, the items will be grouped by tick-mark category within the date range selected.
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