Create a new payee.
Name is the only required field. The Default Category is used to pre-populate the category of a transaction when using this payee in the Register. If the Employee ID Number is a SSN (Social Security Number) make sure to check the SSN box so the system knows to encrypt it. Form 1099 indicates the payee is to receive a 1099 form and should be included in the 1099-MISC Report.
Enter New Payee Information: Enter information in the following fields.
- Name: (required) Enter Payee name.
- Default Category: Select a default category from the drop down list.
- Email: Enter Payee email address.
- Phone: Enter Payee phone number.
- Fax: Enter Payee fax number.
- Website: Enter Payee website.
- Address: Enter Payee street address.
- City: Enter Payee city.
- State: Enter Payee state.
- Zipcode: Enter Payee zipcode.
- Country: Select Payee country from drop down menu.
- Employee id number: Click the checkbox if you are entering a SSN.
- Form 1099: Click the radio button to select "yes" or "no" if Payee is to receive a 1099-Form.
- Notes: Enter any notes in this field.
Save: Create the payee.
Cancel: Exit without saving.
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